Humanity maintains a distinct and collective need to document records of existence, for future life. Compiled, this information assumes an identity of its own, affected by time, space and social constructs. The process of knitting and braiding, particularly for women, has been a long history and well documented. The artists uses quilts and braids as a aesthetic tool of flamboyance as a cover for the complex nature of memory, Ideal, and reality.
The making of an art object has very much to do with the Ideal. The Ideal is defined as the conception of an archetype, or creating a standard. In relationship to this work the Ideal is used as related to the creation of the model of femininity.
All humans are engaged in resisting or being part of domesticity in daily life. The artist finds, chooses, and is often given a used object that has been used and informed by some level of domesticity. The objects are then reinterpreted and used to create a final new product. Each object, such as a quilt, has years of experiential information and pre-informed history that allows the final product to act as a trigger. Through the exploration of material the artist strives to register human memory in actual form. Through the use of braiding, knitting and stitching objects can be woven together to create a stronger reflection of a historical identity that helps define domesticity and gender with in a constructed model of femininity.
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